  • Adresa: Dr. Alexandra 130/24, 060 01 Kežmarok, Slovakia
Nedávno pridané
Údaje o prevádzke
  • Popis: The Club Hotel is situated in the city centre where the history meets the current culture. Its position is very attractive mainly because it is very close to the beautiful High Tatras Mountains.
  • Kontakt: hotelclub@sinet.sk 00421/52/452 40 51
  • Web stránka: www.hotelclubkezmarok.sk
  • Vytvorená: pred 5 rokmi (08.04.2020)
O nás
Kežmarok – the town which is more than 700 hundred years old is situated beneath the eastern part of the High Tatras Mountains, 630 metres above the sea level. Kežmarok was established by uniting some settlements of the Slav origins with a settlement of German colonists. The settlement of St. Michael above the river of Poprad is considered to be the oldest one. Its inhabitants guarded the big trade route (via magna) which went along with the riverside and connected Orient with the north of Europe.